Care scheme

You were tattooed!
To preserve the result and no complications, follow the following recommendations:
It is necessary to wash the tattoo 4 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening and before bedtime)
It is better to use cotton pads for washing;
After washing, you need to remove excess moisture with a paper towel.
It is necessary to make sure that there are no remnants of blood. If you removed all the blood from the tattoo, there will be nothing to form a crust;
It is better to wash with a special soap-sam for healing tattoos. Or you can just use water (comfortable temperature) with cream-based soap (Dove soap or children's soap);
Apply healing cream or ointment
If it is an ointment (Doctor Pro), then evenly distribute it in a thin layer (do not allow a thick layer, can lead to sweating);
If it's a cream (Bepanten Plus), there are no restrictions on the thickness of the layer.
But the cream absorbs faster, as a result you have to apply it more often.
Keep the tattoo constantly moistened until the film appears
When the tattoo comes into contact with clothing, bedding, etc.
The ointment may rub off, creating a risk of crusting.
Under ointment or cream (i.e. in a humid environment), the secreted blood can not dry;
Be sure to wear an absorbent nappy compress before putting on clothes or going to bed
This will keep the wet environment on the tattoo;
While at home, go with an open tattoo, under the cream.
But better and faster to heal a tattoo without a diaper;
It will also protect against dust and dirt,
mechanical damage and sun
The main task during the healing period is to prevent the drying of the blood!
3-6 days, until «skin pealing»
If this happens, a crust will be formed, which leads to longer healing.
As well as the loss of pigment at the place of its formation.
To prevent this from happening:
Don't take off the film purposefully!
The surplus will be removed independently when washing the tattoo in the shower.
Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the application technique, in 3-6 days a «skin peel» is formed on the tattoo, in other words, the injured layer of skin exfoliates (as after sunburn).
After the formation of the «skin peel» ichor stops secreting and you can stop using a compress and healing cream.
At this stage, the skin will be restored to its previous state within a month.
To speed up the process of skin restoration and relieve itching, use hypoallergenic body moisturizer
(e.g. Bepanten Derma)
The tattoo area will be dry
and can itch
Apply the cream 2 times a day for a month, until the skin is completely restored
Do not stimulate the secretion of ichor until the skin pealing appears.
It's an excessive loss of pigment.
To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to abandon:
  • Active physical activity
  • Sports activities
  • Do not scratch, do not expose to blows and friction
For example, if the tattoo was made on the leg, it is not worth walking or standing for a long time
  • Keep the tattoo from dust and dirt
  • Alcohol
  • Steaming procedures
Do not visit the bath/sauna. Refuse to take hot baths. Take only a shower, having previously lubricated the tattoo with healing ointment.
  • Prevent alcohol and alcohol-containing substances from entering
  • Refuse swimming in public water bodies and chlorinated water
  • Do not get a tattoo in contact with active sunlight for 1 month
After full healing, with prolonged exposure to the sun, use sunscreens with a high degree of protection (SPF 50)